How to Get Rid of Ants in Car?

Getting rid of ants in a car can be a daunting task, but it’s not impossible. There are a number of ways to get rid of ants in a car, and there are also a few ant deterrents that can be used to help keep ants away. Having an ant problem in your car is not an uncommon issue. Depending on where you live and what your daily routine is, it can be easy for these pests to make their way into your vehicle.

Here are a few ways that your car can get ants. Ants only appear when they feel the aroma of the food source somewhere. If you see ants on your dashboard, between the seats, or crawling up your arms, they probably got there searching for food. Maybe you drove up an ant nest, and they immediately caught a whiff of some stale food, sugar, or water. And now you are stuck with an infestation. Although it is unlikely for a frequently used car to have infestations, stagnant vehicles have a higher chance of having ant nests. So, if you have any crumbs or food remnants in your car, they are very likely to attract some hungry ants.

causes of ants in car

The most common kinds of ants that scavenge for food are carpenter ants or worker ants, responsible for gathering food for the colony of ants. On some occasions, it is possible to spot painful fire ants as well. Even though there are different kinds of ants, knowing the different varieties will help you find the best way to exterminate them. When in doubt, contact a pest control expert to examine the scene.

How Ants Could Damage the Car?

It is quite surprising for you to know how the ants got there; you’re probably wondering if they can do any damage to your car. Some varieties, especially fire ants, can chew off car cables, which could damage your car’s engine or dashboard. However, it can cost you a lot of money to repair. They can also destroy the leather or foam of your car seats, which is very annoying. Once you spot the ants, you must take immediate steps to solve the problem. For any electrical issues, consult a professional to inspect your car for reassurance.

Also, having ants in your car could leave you and your passengers with painful bites, stings, or allergic reactions. So, if you are sick of having ants crawling around and ruining the look of your car, read on to find out how you can get rid of them.

Causes of Ants in Cars

1) Leaving Trash in Your Car

Like in your home, leaving trash out will attract many pests. Ants can smell food from miles away, and if you leave food debris in your car during the day or overnight, they will find a way into your car to get to it. Ants can get through very small crevices, so it is not difficult for them to get into a vehicle. To avoid this issue, be sure to clean out your car daily. If you eat in your car, throw the trash away as soon as possible, and do not leave it in your car and forget about it.

2) Parking Near Foliage

If you live in a heavily wooded area and park your car near trees or bushes, this could be the source of your ant problem. Ants love almost all plants and are often found living in wooded areas. They can easily climb from these plants onto your car and find their way inside. If they smell food or anything sweet from your car, they will likely venture inside. To avoid this problem, stop parking near the woods. Consequently, parking further away from the trees and bushes will discourage ants from entering your car.

3) Parking Near Ant Bill

You may be parking your car near an active anthill without realizing it. Anthills are home to thousands of ants, and if you park close to one, there is no doubt that the ants will crawl into your car. Check around your parking spot to see if there is an active anthill. If there is, switch your parking spot or park far away from it if you can.

ants in car

How to get rid of ants in the car easily? 

Hygiene is essential, not just for you but for your car as well. Cleaning the car inside and out will help you eliminate ants effectively. Ensure to thoroughly clean up any food source (i.e., wrappers, crumbs, or spillages of sticky substances) to avoid attracting ants into your car. Use a vacuum cleaner to get the tiniest food crumbs on the floor, seats, dashboard, and hidden areas. Otherwise, anything you leave behind might bring the ants back. Wipe your seat covers, carpets, and even vents with a damp cloth and citrus spray bottle cleaner, both of which repel ants.

On the other hand, check your wheels and any spaces and cracks you might have on the exterior of your car. Wash and scrub your car and its tires, which are the most likely entry points into your car. You can use pesticides on the wheels (leaving the brake pads) to prevent them from getting to your car. After cleaning, another thing you can do is change your usual parking spots. Inspect the new area for any ant hills or cracks that they can crawl through and reach your vehicle.

Follow these tips to get rid of ants in the car immediately:

1- Move your car

Parking under a tree or next to an ant hill may elicit ant voyagers to head into your car, but if there is no food source, the ants will make their way out. If you can move parking spots at work or in an apartment complex, do so.

2- Get rid of all trash in your car

Search through your car and throw away any wrappers and packaging.

vacuum car cleaner

3- Vacuum thoroughly

Once you have thrown away all possible food sources in your car, thoroughly vacuum and clean the upholstery. Considering ants are tiny creatures, focus on the cracks and small crevices around your car.

4- Clean Your Tires and Wheels

Since your tires connect your car to the pavement, this is the contact ground for ants to enter your car. Treating your tires chemically will deter ants from climbing on your wheels and tires and thus entering your car.

5- Put Ant Traps in Your Car

If the other methods did not rid the ants, place ant traps under the seat to deter and capture these nuisance pests.

Ant Killer

6- Dry Any Wet Areas

Ants need moisture to live, and they love to drink sweet liquids, which is the staple food of adult ants. But ants will even enter your car if they discover water from leaky seals.

7- Make Chemical-Free Ant Spray with Dish Soap

If you want to make your own eco-friendly, use ant spray when you see ants crawling around your car. The spray is only effective if you spray it directly onto ants; it won’t work if you spray it on the surfaces in your car and the ants walk over it. Check out this video tutorial to make the homemade spray.


Q: How do I get ants out of my car?

A: The solution is to mix up two cups of water, three tablespoons of Dawn soap, and three tablespoons of salt in a spray bottle. Spray the ants directly with it to kill them; you can also use it to clean your car. Additionally, ants abhor citrus.

Q: Why do black ants find food in the car?

A: Ants have a strong sense of smell, which they use to find accessible food sources. Generally, ants are strongly attracted to smells from candy, sweet-scented foods, carbohydrates, sugary drinks, fruit-scented candles, meat, perfume, nuts, seeds, grease, oil fats, and dirty laundry.

Q: Why are ants in car dashboards?

A: Ants find their way into your car because they deem it a viable source of food or water. They build nests, sure, but once their home base is established, ants tend to forage for food and water to bring back, finding the necessities by scent.

Q: Why are ants attracted to my car?

A: This problem often happens when cars are parked near trees, and ants may simply move into the car during their normal foraging (for food) activity.

Q: Why are ants entered into car engines?

A: The basic thing is that ants look for food in a car. If you find a trail of ants moving toward your car, it doesn’t always mean they are looking for a place to live. Most of the time, it is because they have discovered food.

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